Exposure Draft Migration Amendment (Protecting Migrant Workers) Bill 2021.
The Department is proposing a number of legislative reforms in a Bill (Protecting Migrant Workers) to amend the Migration Act 1958. These are aimed at strengthening existing protocols to address worker exploitation involving non-Australian workers in Australia.
The intention is to send a strong message to unscrupulous employers and labour hire intermediaries that the exploitation of migrant workers as cheap labour is not acceptable. It is not only unfair to migrant workers, and to those employers who seek to do the right thing, but it also damages Australia’s reputation as a destination of choice. The Bill also seeks to send a strong message to temporary migrant workers that the Government is committed to combatting migrant worker exploitation, supporting them to feel more confident and secure about working in Australia.
The Department invites public submissions on the Exposure Draft of the draft Migration Amendment (Protecting Migrant Workers) Bill 2021 until midnight (AEST) on Monday 16 August 2021.
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